Friday, September 29, 2006


Just to update, we had an ultrasound on Tuesday and Hubby and I got to see Nemo and his/her heartbeat. It was wonderful!!!!! The miracle of life will never cease to amaze me. Now there is a teeny-tiny little human in there, who, in 30some short weeks will make their debut on the planet. Now, how cool is that?!?

So, even though there has been some bleeding and continues to be some, it looks like for now, all is well.


Rules, Rules, Rules.

On soap box.

So being preggers used to mean you had a certain glow about you, men gave up their seats on the bus and you had an excuse to cry whenever you wanted to.

These days, being preggers means a list a mile long of rules.
1. Don't carry anything over 20lbs. (What am I supposed to do w/ my 28lb 14mo old??)
2. Don't eat deli meat. (Try and stop me.)
3. Don't eat peanut butter. (Again, HAHAHA.)
4. Don't sleep on your stomach, don't sleep on you back, and really, if you want to be a good mom, only sleep on your left side. (I'd just like to get some sleep and however I can manage that is just fine by me.)
5. Don't drink/eat any caffine. (Have YOU tried to get up at 4am? yah, didn't think so.)
6. Don't eat unhealthy things. (Too bad, all I crave is french fries.)
7. Don't be too stressed. (I won't even be commenting on that one...)
8. Don't eat tuna or any number of specified fish.
I could go on and on. How is a person supposed to live by so many rules. I mean, I know that some of them are really bad, but at what point can we stand back and say, I tried my best, the rest is in God's hands.

What the heck is a working mamma supposed to eat? Apparently it needs to be full of fruits and veggies, and contain no lunch meat or tuna. That would be alright if I GOT to take a lunch break, but I don't.

Anyhow, I will follow some rules, but at the same time, I WILL heft my son around kingdom come, I WILL eat PB right out of the Jiff container (speaking of which.....), I WILL eat deli meat (okay, I'll warm it up first as a compromise). I WAS going to keep drinking half-caf coffee in the morning, but now it makes me want to throw up, so HEY, no problem there anymore! :) And I will continue to be's the only way I know how to function. :) And, last but not least, I will eat some crappy food...just because it tastes good.

Off soap box.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The waiting game

Well, we've been on pins and needles the past three days. I've had some bleeding since Thursday. We've done blood work and everything seems okay, but we won't know for sure until the u/s on Tuesday. We've been praying very hard for Nemo. We know that God has His own plans, and that they are better than ours, but too often I'd like to tell Him how it should be done. We love Nemo already, and want him/her to be a part of our little family...however, only time will tell.

I think that the waiting is the worst part. Thursday was by far the worst day. I never had anything like that with Buddy, and it was very scary. Still is, I guess. Part of me gets mad. I have friends who have had or are going to have babies that they didn't want. Surprises, mistakes, you know. It is hard to understand why they are allowed to have beautiful babies when others, who very badly want children, are denied. The doctors say everything is probably fine now, but it has opened my eyes to the pain of others, even if just briefly.

Due to the fact that we needed someone to watch Buddy while we go to the dr on tuesday, we had to tell my folks. :) Instead of using our planned "I'm going to be a big brother" shirt, Hubby had the idea to go to Build A Bear last night and build Buddy and baby bear. Buddy loves his new puppy. He and Hubby practice giving it kisses and feeding it its bottle. Very cute.

So, now we just hope everyone who knows will keep our secret until we're ready to let it out in November....Hmmm....I wonder if we'll make it??

Monday, September 18, 2006

Flyin' me away

Well, the word came down from on high today. I have to go on another biz trip.

In the BB days (Before Buddy, that is) I used to really want to go on biz trips. I'm not sure if they made me feel important or what the deal was, but I kind of enjoyed it. I never had to go away a ton, just once in a while. Hubby never liked it, he always accused me of "leaving" him. Although I will admit that it is much easier to be the leaver than the leavee.

Well, these days I avoid going away at all costs. They let me out of my meeting last October, they let me out of the "during the season" travel I normally do last September, but in January, when Buddy was 6 months old, I had to take my first trip to a tradeshow, and then another one in Feb. But, mind you, I did cut them short!! :) But he was little then.

He's big now.

I really don't want to leave him. Arranging child care is a pain in the rump, but I won't get to tuck him in at night. The worst part is that I KNOW he'll give me the cold shoulder when I get back. And, I'll only be home 2 days before I have to go to work again.

To top it all off, it's only 2 weeks before Hubby and my planned vacation. So, now I really feel like I'm deserting him.

What is a working mom supposed to do?!?!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh so tired

Well. Life has been incredibly drama filled the past week. Co-workers are continuing to try and take over the world, Buddy has decided on too many occasions that 5am is a great time to get up and start the day, Hubby has been home late every night due to bidding out new jobs (quick pray that some will come in!), and I'm preggers.


We aren't telling anyone for a long time yet, probably the week of Thanksgiving. It was funny, just on Monday I found myself thinking "Man, I'm really not that tired. I can totally handle this!" And then it hit me full force on Tuesday. I think I could sleep standing up, given the opportunity. I have to pee all the time, but at least I don't really have morning sickness (knock on wood). I never really did with Buddy either, just so, so tired.

Buddy will be 22 months with Nemo is born. That's what we're calling the baby "Nemo". I don't know why. It just stuck. Speaking of names, I was just telling a friend how it is impossible for Hubby and I to agree on names. I love a good 100 girl names, but we can't find any boy names that either of us like. None. Too bad we already used Buddy. That and Hubby won't give them both names starting with the same letter. Darn.

I was so excited to get a CUTE dress that I saw on sale at old navy, but low and behold, they only had it in XS. I was so depressed. I thought it would be the perfect dress for our cruise in Nov. I'm not huge...but I'm no XS, that's for sure. Now I'm super bummed and trying to decide if I should shell out some serious coin on new Long maternity jeans. Being a taller gal really stinks when you're preggers because no one wants to make long maternity pants. I have no idea why. It's totally dumb, if you ask me!

Anyhow, me and Nemo need to go get some ice cream. Yummmy.