Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh so tired

Well. Life has been incredibly drama filled the past week. Co-workers are continuing to try and take over the world, Buddy has decided on too many occasions that 5am is a great time to get up and start the day, Hubby has been home late every night due to bidding out new jobs (quick pray that some will come in!), and I'm preggers.


We aren't telling anyone for a long time yet, probably the week of Thanksgiving. It was funny, just on Monday I found myself thinking "Man, I'm really not that tired. I can totally handle this!" And then it hit me full force on Tuesday. I think I could sleep standing up, given the opportunity. I have to pee all the time, but at least I don't really have morning sickness (knock on wood). I never really did with Buddy either, just so, so tired.

Buddy will be 22 months with Nemo is born. That's what we're calling the baby "Nemo". I don't know why. It just stuck. Speaking of names, I was just telling a friend how it is impossible for Hubby and I to agree on names. I love a good 100 girl names, but we can't find any boy names that either of us like. None. Too bad we already used Buddy. That and Hubby won't give them both names starting with the same letter. Darn.

I was so excited to get a CUTE dress that I saw on sale at old navy, but low and behold, they only had it in XS. I was so depressed. I thought it would be the perfect dress for our cruise in Nov. I'm not huge...but I'm no XS, that's for sure. Now I'm super bummed and trying to decide if I should shell out some serious coin on new Long maternity jeans. Being a taller gal really stinks when you're preggers because no one wants to make long maternity pants. I have no idea why. It's totally dumb, if you ask me!

Anyhow, me and Nemo need to go get some ice cream. Yummmy.


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