Saturday, April 21, 2007

Feeling like a kid again

So Thursday was a rough day for Buddy and me. Our day got rearranged because we had to run into town to get a business license for Hubby, that shot an hour and half out of our afternoon. Because of that, I felt bad making him sit in the stroller for our usual walk, so I decided to let him play outside instead. He went for a 45 minute trike ride. Well, sort of. He doesn't like to use the peddals (too much work, I guess) so he just sits on it and pushes with his feet. Anyhow, after that we were playing in the yard and he was being naughty, so, since the neighbors were outside, I took him to the back yard and we sat on the back steps to talk about how naughty he was being (oh, did I mention that he was screaming when I brought him back there?!?) Anyhow, so we talked about it and I told him he could go play. Well, he decided that he wanted to jump off the steps (4 or 5 cement steps high). I told him NO because he would get an ouch. Anyhow, so he proceeded to walk down the steps, but on the last 2, he fell and sort of into the down spout. I didn't think he was hurt, just scared/mad like usual, but there was blood on his nose. So, now, I have a bleeding child (screaming again) and I have to go around to the garage because the patio door is locked. I'm pretty sure the neighbors were about to call me in. :) Screaming again...and now bleeding from the head. As it turns out, he just scraped his nose up a bit. But over the past few days, there are quite the battle wounds on his face. I blame his father, though, because that night, Hubby thought it was BERRIES on his nose and went to town w/ the wash cloth trying to clean it off.

So, after this, I decided that we'd go for a quick bike ride. The bike trailer is hooked up to Hubby's bike, which I hate to ride because it has those stupid things on the pedals to keep your feet in, or whatever it is that they do. :) Anyhow, on our way back to the house, I stopped at a cross street w/ a cross walk, since I wasn't walking I was going to wait for the cars to go, but this truck kept doing the stop & start thing. You know, I stopped, he stopped, so I started to go, as he started to go, so I stopped, so he stopped. Anyhow, at some point during this, I came to a complete stop, and my left foot got stuck in the stupid pedal, and well, I lost my balance and down I went. Lovely. Felt like a kid. My palm was all scraped up, and I have a nice, bloody knee. Nothing like a giant pregnant person on a bike w/ a skinned up knee. :) :)

Feeling like a kid again

So Thursday was a rough day for Buddy and me. Our day got rearranged because we had to run into town to get a business license for Hubby, that shot an hour and half out of our afternoon. Because of that, I felt bad making him sit in the stroller for our usual walk, so I decided to let him play outside instead. He went for a 45 minute trike ride. Well, sort of. He doesn't like to use the peddals (too much work, I guess) so he just sits on it and pushes with his feet. Anyhow, after that we were playing in the yard and he was being naughty, so, since the neighbors were outside, I took him to the back yard and we sat on the back steps to talk about how naughty he was being (oh, did I mention that he was screaming when I brought him back there?!?) Anyhow, so we talked about it and I told him he could go play. Well, he decided that he wanted to jump off the steps (4 or 5 cement steps high). I told him NO because he would get an ouch. Anyhow, so he proceeded to walk down the steps, but on the last 2, he fell and sort of into the down spout. I didn't think he was hurt, just scared/mad like usual, but there was blood on his nose. So, now, I have a bleeding child (screaming again) and I have to go around to the garage because the patio door is locked. I'm pretty sure the neighbors were about to call me in. :) Screaming again...and now bleeding from the head. As it turns out, he just scraped his nose up a bit. But over the past few days, there are quite the battle wounds on his face. I blame his father, though, because that night, Hubby thought it was BERRIES on his nose and went to town w/ the wash cloth trying to clean it off.

So, after this, I decided that we'd go for a quick bike ride. The bike trailer is hooked up to Hubby's bike, which I hate to ride because it has those stupid things on the pedals to keep your feet in, or whatever it is that they do. :) Anyhow, on our way back to the house, I stopped at a cross street w/ a cross walk, since I wasn't walking I was going to wait for the cars to go, but this truck kept doing the stop & start thing. You know, I stopped, he stopped, so I started to go, as he started to go, so I stopped, so he stopped. Anyhow, at some point during this, I came to a complete stop, and my left foot got stuck in the stupid pedal, and well, I lost my balance and down I went. Lovely. Felt like a kid. My palm was all scraped up, and I have a nice, bloody knee. Nothing like a giant pregnant person on a bike w/ a skinned up knee. :) :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Too smart

Well, a quick update since last time. We ended up making the drive to look at a truck on the 31st, but someone else beat us to it by about 30mins. Long story short, we found a different one at about 7:00pm, and bought it and were driving home about 9:30pm. Long, long day. I can tell you one thing, though, car dealers aren't prepared to hear the words, "No, we don't need financing." It sure feels good to say it, though!! Nothing like walking in with the title, writing a small check and walking out with a new vehicle. Also, thank goodness for cell phones and the internet!! We were able to Blue Book the new truck while the sales guy went to get the keys....saving us about $5,000. :) Anyhow, now we're the proud owners of a 1999 F350 diesel truck. It's huge. And it has a 38 gallon tank, ouch!

In other new, Buddy is too smart for his own good!! How did my baby become such a little boy...and one who always wants to get into trouble?? So his new thing, if he doesn't want to go to bed, is to whine and say "song" over and over. This means that he wants us to sing him songs. Well, we go in there and tell him "ONE song, Buddy, and then it's nigh-night. Only ONE song." So, I was in the shower last night, Hubby goes in there and Buddy holds up one finger "One song" he says to Hubby. "Okay, ONE song" say hubby. Then, Buddy adds his thumb into the equation... "No, TWO songs" he says. Gosh darn it!! Let's just say that a laughing daddy is hard to take seriously!!

And, he's naughy.

Saturday he colored on the door.

This morning, his daddy was sleeping, and Buddy got up and proceeded to flush (or attempt) to flush and entire roll of toilet paper down the toilet. We had a similar experience Sunday morning. Hubby fell alseep and woke up and couldn't find him. He checked EVERYWHERE, no kiddo. Finally he heard him make a noise. He had gone into the bathroom, shut the door, and proceeded to redecorate the room with toilet paper. At least that was less messy than the time he tried to redecorate his room w/ lotion....

Anyhow, when I haven't been chasing the stinker around the house, I've been trying to take naps. I got another cold, and this one has knocked me out...again. Thanks to being up w/ a sick Buddy, I just can't seem to catch a break this year. I soooooo want to be BETTER. Oh well, what are you going to do??