Friday, September 29, 2006

Rules, Rules, Rules.

On soap box.

So being preggers used to mean you had a certain glow about you, men gave up their seats on the bus and you had an excuse to cry whenever you wanted to.

These days, being preggers means a list a mile long of rules.
1. Don't carry anything over 20lbs. (What am I supposed to do w/ my 28lb 14mo old??)
2. Don't eat deli meat. (Try and stop me.)
3. Don't eat peanut butter. (Again, HAHAHA.)
4. Don't sleep on your stomach, don't sleep on you back, and really, if you want to be a good mom, only sleep on your left side. (I'd just like to get some sleep and however I can manage that is just fine by me.)
5. Don't drink/eat any caffine. (Have YOU tried to get up at 4am? yah, didn't think so.)
6. Don't eat unhealthy things. (Too bad, all I crave is french fries.)
7. Don't be too stressed. (I won't even be commenting on that one...)
8. Don't eat tuna or any number of specified fish.
I could go on and on. How is a person supposed to live by so many rules. I mean, I know that some of them are really bad, but at what point can we stand back and say, I tried my best, the rest is in God's hands.

What the heck is a working mamma supposed to eat? Apparently it needs to be full of fruits and veggies, and contain no lunch meat or tuna. That would be alright if I GOT to take a lunch break, but I don't.

Anyhow, I will follow some rules, but at the same time, I WILL heft my son around kingdom come, I WILL eat PB right out of the Jiff container (speaking of which.....), I WILL eat deli meat (okay, I'll warm it up first as a compromise). I WAS going to keep drinking half-caf coffee in the morning, but now it makes me want to throw up, so HEY, no problem there anymore! :) And I will continue to be's the only way I know how to function. :) And, last but not least, I will eat some crappy food...just because it tastes good.

Off soap box.


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