Doesn't it just figure
Well, I've got a cold. Not just the sniffles, a full blown, sucks to lay down, nose is raw, sounds like a boy during puberty cold. It's rotten. And of course I come down with it right when I need to get up every morning at 4. Not that it's that big of a deal, I haven't been able to sleep past 3:50 anyhow.
The worst part is that good friends had a baby on Sunday and I can't go see her. Stupid nasty cold. So now i have meals in the freezer, multiple gifts in the office and a 3 day old baby I still haven't seen. Doesn't it just figure. Healthy all summer and bam. Just in time for the county fair, too. So, I was pushing Buddy around in his stroller in 85+ degrees, sniffling, gulping down water and wearing jeans because I didn't have time to shave my legs. Yep, jeans. Although it occured to me about 20 minutes into our fair adventure that I should've just put the shorts on. Its not like everyone else was so great to look at!! What is it about Fairs that really brings out the uglies? And can I just say that everyone should wear at least 20% more clothing than they put on. Do I need to see your rolls beneath your skin tight shirt? Hmmm? Really, did you need that giant elephant ear, cotton candy AND a moowich? Really, did you?!? Because from where I'm standing, I'd say a carrot would've been a better chioce. And what is it with people bringing their teeny tiny babies out into the sun w/o hats?!? Is it really that difficult to cover them up? And why are you bringing them out in the first place? Do they really need to be exposed to the smoke and the gross humanity? Good night people, keep the babies home!!
Off soap box.
Anyhow, so now I'm dizzy, doped up on cold medicine (I hate to take medicine, so you know its got to be a hum dinger) and just waiting for Buddy to get it. Sigh. Plus, Hubby leaves this weekend for fishing.
Oh well.
Rainy days
I love rainy days!
It's August, but it's cloudy and rainy and I couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong, I like the sun, I like to be outdoors (once in a while), but I really like dreary weather.
So, this morning it's rainy and Buddy and I are playing inside with no guilt of "it's so nice out, we'd better go outside!" Nope, no guilt today. And, this means we can walk the other direction this afternoon. We only walk one route if it's sunny, because he can't have the sun in his eyes on the way home. It's hard enough to get him to sit still, let alone shine the bright sun in his eyes. It's just better that we only walk one route. I've got it all figured out, you know.
We had new neighbors move in over the weekend. From Tennesee, their plates say. I should really go over and say hi, but I'm really bad at that kind of stuff. That's because I'm a bit of a hermit. I'm not good at going up to people and striking up friendships, never was. So, now that I'm a mom, its even worse. I don't do play dates, I don't do baby excersize classes or anything like that. No wonder Buddy is bored. Hubby always tells me to go out with friends....there in lies the problem. I'm just not good at making new friends. It's like being in 8th grade again. Couldn't pay me enough to do THAT over again.
So, I will sit in my house, play tractors and tupperware all day and not feel guilty...
Because it's raining.
Still of the night
I love my baby. I love to be home with my baby. While else would I get up at o-dark thirty to truck off to work? But...even I have my limits! I have a new respect for single parents. My hat is off to you.
This is my first weekend of two this month that I'll be solo here at home. Hubby is on a side job this weekend. He left at 5:40ish this morning, and my best guess is that he'll be home around 9ish. So it is just me and Buddy from when he wakes up at 5:57am to when he goes down at 7:15. It's a long day, but it's not that bad if I at least know I'll be alone in advance, so I can prepare. You know, so I can schedule our afternoon walk for as late as possible to help us make it until it is bedtime. Or let him watch Sesame Street from 6 to 7am while I drift in and out of sleep. I'm totally anti-tv...until it's 6am and I'm all alone and I just can't quite play bocks yet. I'm not the best playmate. Just ask Buddy. I don't do well outside. I don't let him eat cement chunks. I don't let him sit in the bark and I don't let him play in the water. I don't even let him eat the flowers. After about 20 mins, mom has had enough of outside, and we retreat back into the house...where there are no flowers to eat.
So I was thinking on my walk today (taken at 5pm to strech us until dinner), as I normally do, that I must be the only person in the world who thinks like I do. During our walks I crunch numbers in my head. "How much extra money can we make by doing such and so?" "Should I put it into a fund for possible medical decuctables, or apply it to the principal of my house?" "What is the best vehicle for our retirement, should we be putting more toward that, or save for Christian school in 4 or 5 years?"
Tell me, who does that?
The only possible answer is Me. I don't look at the beautiful surroundings, I don't talk to Buddy, I think. I think and I think. And I compose possible Blogs. :)
No wonder I'm not the best playmate. I'm a space cadet. And it's not even like I'm thinking about anything fun!
Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Day one
It is Thursday again. I have exactly 5 minutes before I need to wake Buddy up. Glorious nap times. My only chance to clean out the poop from this mornings bath and then file my Combined Excise Tax form for July. Yes, the behold, the all powerful nap!! I don't know what I will do if, I suppose I should resign myself to WHEN, Buddy gives up the morning nap.
Today is a normal day. I never feel like getting dressed when I'm home, but I don't want to become "one of THOSE moms". You know in my sweats with my hair a mess. Okay, so I'm in Hubby's sweats this morning (hey, it's only 10am), but, IN MY DEFENSE, I did my hair and makeup, so take that. Here's my rational. Okay, say I get all dressed up for the day, I play with Buddy on the floor for the next 6 hours, then at 4pm we take our daily walk. So, I will then change from said amazing outfit into my excersize attire, a ratty tank top and some shorts. By the time Hubby gets home every day, that's what I'm wearing, regardless of how I started the morning. Therefore, why even try to put on nice clothes, no one but Buddy will know, and he couldn't care less one way or the other. See, it's only logical to wear sweats. :) So for today, that's what I'm doing. Now leave me alone!
Well, it is now the 10:00 hour, which means I have to wake Buddy up from the powerful morning nap and I'll find out how much like digs my tank top and sweats outfit. Wish me luck!