Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rainy days

I love rainy days!

It's August, but it's cloudy and rainy and I couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong, I like the sun, I like to be outdoors (once in a while), but I really like dreary weather.

So, this morning it's rainy and Buddy and I are playing inside with no guilt of "it's so nice out, we'd better go outside!" Nope, no guilt today. And, this means we can walk the other direction this afternoon. We only walk one route if it's sunny, because he can't have the sun in his eyes on the way home. It's hard enough to get him to sit still, let alone shine the bright sun in his eyes. It's just better that we only walk one route. I've got it all figured out, you know.

We had new neighbors move in over the weekend. From Tennesee, their plates say. I should really go over and say hi, but I'm really bad at that kind of stuff. That's because I'm a bit of a hermit. I'm not good at going up to people and striking up friendships, never was. So, now that I'm a mom, its even worse. I don't do play dates, I don't do baby excersize classes or anything like that. No wonder Buddy is bored. Hubby always tells me to go out with friends....there in lies the problem. I'm just not good at making new friends. It's like being in 8th grade again. Couldn't pay me enough to do THAT over again.

So, I will sit in my house, play tractors and tupperware all day and not feel guilty...

Because it's raining.


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