Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Doesn't it just figure

Well, I've got a cold. Not just the sniffles, a full blown, sucks to lay down, nose is raw, sounds like a boy during puberty cold. It's rotten. And of course I come down with it right when I need to get up every morning at 4. Not that it's that big of a deal, I haven't been able to sleep past 3:50 anyhow.

The worst part is that good friends had a baby on Sunday and I can't go see her. Stupid nasty cold. So now i have meals in the freezer, multiple gifts in the office and a 3 day old baby I still haven't seen. Doesn't it just figure. Healthy all summer and bam. Just in time for the county fair, too. So, I was pushing Buddy around in his stroller in 85+ degrees, sniffling, gulping down water and wearing jeans because I didn't have time to shave my legs. Yep, jeans. Although it occured to me about 20 minutes into our fair adventure that I should've just put the shorts on. Its not like everyone else was so great to look at!! What is it about Fairs that really brings out the uglies? And can I just say that everyone should wear at least 20% more clothing than they put on. Do I need to see your rolls beneath your skin tight shirt? Hmmm? Really, did you need that giant elephant ear, cotton candy AND a moowich? Really, did you?!? Because from where I'm standing, I'd say a carrot would've been a better chioce. And what is it with people bringing their teeny tiny babies out into the sun w/o hats?!? Is it really that difficult to cover them up? And why are you bringing them out in the first place? Do they really need to be exposed to the smoke and the gross humanity? Good night people, keep the babies home!!

Off soap box.

Anyhow, so now I'm dizzy, doped up on cold medicine (I hate to take medicine, so you know its got to be a hum dinger) and just waiting for Buddy to get it. Sigh. Plus, Hubby leaves this weekend for fishing.

Oh well.


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