Friday, August 04, 2006

Still of the night

I love my baby. I love to be home with my baby. While else would I get up at o-dark thirty to truck off to work? But...even I have my limits! I have a new respect for single parents. My hat is off to you.

This is my first weekend of two this month that I'll be solo here at home. Hubby is on a side job this weekend. He left at 5:40ish this morning, and my best guess is that he'll be home around 9ish. So it is just me and Buddy from when he wakes up at 5:57am to when he goes down at 7:15. It's a long day, but it's not that bad if I at least know I'll be alone in advance, so I can prepare. You know, so I can schedule our afternoon walk for as late as possible to help us make it until it is bedtime. Or let him watch Sesame Street from 6 to 7am while I drift in and out of sleep. I'm totally anti-tv...until it's 6am and I'm all alone and I just can't quite play bocks yet. I'm not the best playmate. Just ask Buddy. I don't do well outside. I don't let him eat cement chunks. I don't let him sit in the bark and I don't let him play in the water. I don't even let him eat the flowers. After about 20 mins, mom has had enough of outside, and we retreat back into the house...where there are no flowers to eat.

So I was thinking on my walk today (taken at 5pm to strech us until dinner), as I normally do, that I must be the only person in the world who thinks like I do. During our walks I crunch numbers in my head. "How much extra money can we make by doing such and so?" "Should I put it into a fund for possible medical decuctables, or apply it to the principal of my house?" "What is the best vehicle for our retirement, should we be putting more toward that, or save for Christian school in 4 or 5 years?"

Tell me, who does that?

The only possible answer is Me. I don't look at the beautiful surroundings, I don't talk to Buddy, I think. I think and I think. And I compose possible Blogs. :)

No wonder I'm not the best playmate. I'm a space cadet. And it's not even like I'm thinking about anything fun!

Oh well, tomorrow is another day.


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