Christmas 2006
It's hard to believe that Christmas is now past. Well, I guess it's not really past yet...we have one more party tonight, bringing the total to a mild 4 for the year. Not too bad at all. Even worse than that is that we already have one planned for December 22, 2007. Yes, only 361 days until our next Christmas party (well, after today, anyhow).
As usual, we have all gotten way too much stuff. Between cash gifts and other presents, we, as always, have many things to be thankful for. I am especially thankful that we managed to get over all of our colds before this past weekend. I was really sick, and luckily, Buddy only got just a little of it. He was such a trooper, lasting until 9pm one night and a couple nights until almost 8. We even got to go to our Christmas Eve service...thankfully it was at 6pm this year. That's makes it so much easier to take Buddy too. :)
Nemo even got a present. How's that for nice. He's not even born yet, and someone decided to give him a gift. Unisex, of course.
** Okay, I suppose I better clarify, NO we do not know that Nemo is a boy or a girl, but it's just easier to refer to him/her as he, instead of it (I hate that!) or him/her all the time. So, don't read into it too much, I'm just being a lazy typist. **
Nemo has been fairly active as of late. It's probably all of my coughing spazism, though! :) We have our 19ish or 20ish week appointment on Friday. This would be the big ultra sound where they could tell us if Nemo is a boy or girl (see, I COULDN'T even know yet!!), but we're going to pass, just like we did with Buddy. It's kind of nice that Hubby is self employed this time around; he's actually able to a lot of appointments. I give him credit, he hasn't even missed one yet. That's impressive. :) It will be fun to see the little bugger again. :)
Well, I hope that everyone else has had as Merry a Christmas as we have. We've eaten too much f0od, been given tooo many gifts and had some good time with family.
Merry day-after-Christmas to all.