Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just another day

Today is a day of random thoughts.

I can't believe that we are this far through December already. We tried to finish up our Christmas shopping on Saturday. What a zoo the mall was! We thought we were finished, only to get home and discover that the CD we thought was the Phantom of the Opera sound track, was really only the sound track to the movie. Bummer! So, now, I've got to make a return, and still find one last gift. I think the internet will do just nicely. No fighting the crowds from my little keyboard.

I hate insurance, it makes me quite cranky. But, I've got to hand it to my insurance company. They employ really, really nice people. For instance, I called up today because I got a bill for $108 for some lab work. However, our plan (this year anyhow) doesn't have a deductable or anything. Turns out my doctor sent the lab work to a "non preferred provider". I thought I'd get stuck with the bill, and was cranky about it because who wants to spend $100 on lab work, and not Christmas gifts? But, the nice lady actually talked to her supervisor and got me out of the bill, since I didn't have a choice as to where my Dr. sent it. What a nice surprise.

Sent out our Christmas letter and photo yesterday. That is my favorite thing to do. I spend half the year deciding what to write in the letter!

Nemo is kicking up a storm, now and then. Hubby can't feel it yet, and it bugs him. However, I tell him to be patient. I think Nemo and Buddy are conspiring against me. I have to either get up 4 times a night to go to the bathroom or comfort Buddy. By the time Nemo comes home to live with us, I'm going to be used to no sleep! I'm in training, I guess!

Well, I'd better sign off.......I've got to pee again.


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