Calling Names
Well, Buddy started pre-school last week. Both of us were very excited for the first day. I'm just not one of those parents who gets sad to take their kid to school. I've been dropping him off his whole life, first at day care, then at nursery, now children's church and pre-school. I see my job not as keeping him by me forever, but as training him to be a productive member of society (I'd say pre-school counts as a form of society) and making him a positive Christian force in the world. Plus, it's nice to have a three hour break. :) But, it's occured to me that I'm possibly cut from a different cloth than most.... I've talked to several moms who waited weeks or months before leaving thier babies in anyone's care. I think I lasted two maybe three days after coming home from the hospital before my mom watched Buddy so I could go to work for a few hours. That's just how I roll, people. I love my kids to death, but they are not my identity, I guess. I have no problem with people who don't leave their kids, it's just not how I could handle doing things!
I wasn't sad at dropping him off (he wasn't sad either, didn't even look up from his puzzle when he said, "bye mom"). But I was sad when I read his first letter from school detailing how we shouldn't leave kids out from birthday party invites. First, I just I'd better throw the kid a party some year... :) But more importantly, what 3 year old have you ever met who wouldn't want the whole world to come and give him/her presents on his birthday?!? I just don't know that I will ever be prepared for him to get hurt "out there" in the world. For him to be the kid who isn't invited to explain why kids don't like him. For him to be the kid picked last in some game at school or the odd man out. He's tough like me, but we're both closet wussies. (Now, little Miss on the other hand will throw punches first, takes names second!) I saw the way he looked at me when a kid took his train away. I watched him get left behind the big kids at the Relay for Life once, where he was trailing behind, just hoping to be included in the fun. That is the part I can't handle. he can grow up, move out, move on, but just don't hurt my baby. I'm warning you. I'm not a very nice person. And for crying out loud, can't we all just invite everyone to a stinking birthday party? what kind of world do we live in where we need to explain to parents that a 3 or 4 year old might get hurt if excluded. Come on now. My kid's hand-me-down clothes germs won't rub off on your kid, I swear.
Okay, enough of that already. :)
So, I've been taking Buddy to school via bike so far. You should see the weird stares I get from the mom in the Land Rover... :) But, we live all of a 1/4 mile from school and I think it's ridiculous to drive my car that far when God clearly gave me functioning arms and legs. In fact today we took the bike a few miles to do our shopping. I also ordered water reducing fixtures for my bathroom and kitchen and I'm a near Nazi at turning the lights off when there's an ounce of daylight. I've got my own reuseable bags for grocery shopping. Hubby has taken to throwing the slur of "greenie" at me of late. I know he'll never see it my way (we're both to stubborn to listen to people...good thing we agree on almos everything). but I feel that God calls us to be stewards of the earth and that Christians more than anyone should be "green". I'm not going to chain myself to a tree or anything. But I'm also not going to waste non-renewable resources if I don't have to. I'm not going to preach to anyone either, or tell the lady in the land rover to take a bike. I just want to do my thing quietly and not get stared at like taking your kids to school via bike is the equiviant to have a second head or a giant forehead wart or something. Just let me conserve our resources and save my money in peace, thank you very much!
So, my closet walker is finally walking in public. that's right, we had to get her shoes and everything. That was actually sad to me (and I'm pretty emotionless, as we've already discovered). Buying shoes to me meant that she's growing up. She doesn't need me anymore (just ask her!). She can scoop her own food, thank you very much. Someone said that I deserve her...but I'm sure that can't be true. So, it was hard for me to buy those cute little shoes because I had to admit that she is a big girl now.
All in all, it's been a few crazy weeks with a lot of ups and downs. But as always I'm blessed. Just remember, invite my kid to your parties darn it.....