Not enough hours
I'm sure that everyone else must feel this way, but there seriously aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. I walk into other people's homes and I swear everything is picked up and floor is vaccumed daily. Heck, I can't even get the dinner dishes into the dish washer most of the time!! I'm not sure how everyone else does it. I swear I'm not wasting time....I'm just not sure where it goes.
Well, we've moved into our new place. All 2,800something square feet of it. I've become obsessed with turning light of, keeping water usage down, turning off power strips to the tv, etc. I mean with double the sqft of my old house, I'm not only running around twice as much (plus the stairs!!) but I'm also probably creating twice the utility bills. We've got big plans in life and right now they all require saving as much money as humanly possible (or at least that's how it feels). So, Hubby is near divorce (apparently) bc he doesn't want to get off the couch to turn the power strip on to get the tv on. So, his pay back for that is that he's filled up the hot tub on the deck. Probably the cost of water and electricty that I've saved all month down the tube. Typical. So, I could hardly clean the 2 bathrooms and one giant piece of carpet in my old house. Now I've got three bathrooms and a big pile of dirt out back for the kids to play in. You do the math, my house is DIRTY!! Plus, I've apparently upset a number of spiders and flies who are getting their retrobution by building webs faster than I though spiderly possible and flies who are trying to throw frat parties in my kitchen. I can't win. Then Hubby was trying to do chin ups or something on the beam in the kitchen (obviously), and it was a bit grimy, apparently. He looks at me "That's gross, didn't you clean it?" I bit my tongue. I wanted to say "I can't remember, did you get that one when you were cleaning the house for us to move it, or was it when you were cleaning the old house for the new tennant?" Arg. Men. They think they do all the moving because they lift one washing machine. They pack no boxes. They clean no cupboards. They direct no traffic. They unpack no boxes. They vaccuum no carpet. They put nothing away. Yet THEY think they do all the work when it comes to moving. The next time I move (Lord please make that be when I die!!), I think I'll lift the freaking couches, the "guys" can do all the other work. Plus, I drink beer, eat pizza I didn't order or pick up and smoke cigars on the back porch. Yep, I'll do all the hard work next time around. Maybe I am ready to move again....
Meanwhile, since I had a few extra minutes every week, I decided to go back to school. Another quality Hubby comment last night as I was doing a paper and getting ready for mid terms "So, how long is this going to take? If you say 2 years, I'm finding someone new." me "For what" him "to hang out with at night". What's a girl to do?! Anyhow, I'm enjoying the school part and had forgotten what it was like to read something longer than a grocery list or debate things other than who had the pillow first or why we wash our hands after we pee. But, I will admit that it has taken a bit of time. I'm not a neat office person by nature, but my office literally looks like my printer took a ream of paper and vomited it on any horizontal surface, including the floor. There are papers, bills, invoices, portions of text books, calendars, coupons, even the occasional coffee cup strewn about my office. But, I know where everything is. Well, at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Well, I no longer hear noise from the montitor (yes, in a 2800something sqft house you actually need to use the baby montitor to hear the rug rats), so I think it's safe to take a shower.