I am woman hear me scream
So, I'm a pretty self sufficient individual. I grout and seal my own tiles. I mow my own yard (on occasion, though I WILL NOT use the edger). I don't consider myself to be a sissy. But, there is one thing that I certainly need a big strong man, any big strong man, for. Mice. I've threatened to sell my house bc of one mouse. I've sat on a bed entertaining a 6 month old for an house due to one. I am proud to say that when I saw one today I did not drop Little Miss. I may have screamed and ran back into the house, but I did hold onto my baby girl. I did not leave her behind. Now, why mice you may ask. Because they are disgusting in every sense of the word. They are dirty and they make my living quarters dirty. I think it all boils down to their tails. They are disgusting beyond all reason. I found mouse poop in my pop corn popper 4 years ago. I have not touched it since. It is at a garage sale for 50 cents this weekend. I will never use it again. It's just how I am. I draw the line at mice. Ick.
Now, you may think that due to my mouseaphobia I would like cats. You'd be wrong if you though that. I am fine with the fact that many people like animals. Good for you. I, however, do not. Not even a little bit. Here's the part that gets me. I have children. I accept the fact that not everyone likes children, even my cheribs. That's great. I don't let them tresspass on anyone's property. I certainly would NEVER let them climb all over someone's car or poop in someone's flowerbeds/lawn/sandbox. Then WHY, I ask you, WHY do people think that I WANT THEIR ANIMALS ON MY PROPERTY? I think I'm going to start sending Buddy to people's houses to poop on their front lawns. it's the only thing I can think of to stop this problem. I am constantly throwing cat poop out of my babies' sandbox, chasing cats out of my garage, sweeping bark back into my flower beds and chasing animals off my lawn. Why because people let their animals have free reign? If you love animals, good, super, I'm so very happy for you. But keep them and their crap on your own property. Period. Otherwise....my son may have a gift for you. Consider yourself warned.