Do as I say...not as I do.
Ahhh yes. Leading by example. Not something that I'm a big fan of. :)
I was thinking of this today as I was making baby food. I was putting the spinach in the blender as I was eating chocolate chips out of the cupboard (any wonder why I can't lose weight??) I tend to keep most of my "bad" eating as closet eating so to speak. "No, buddy, you keep playing, mommy needs to get something in the kitchen" (that's parent speak for, mommy needs sugar, baby, but you can't have it) I would eat lunch after they went to bed. But now, it's even worse. They eat their good lunch of one green and one orange veggie plus some fruit and I chow down on chips and salsa. Little Miss tries to give me bites of bananas, but I HATE bananas. Yes, I know, I'm terrible. But at least my kids have a fighting chance at eating long as they don't catch me in the pantry, I guess! Hubby keeps giving me a hard time and has forbid (yes, forbid) me from packing spinach in his lunch box for school. Apparently he think healthy eating can get you beat up or something.
So, room sharing sucks. Both kids think that it's funny to make faces and gang up against parents who just want them to sleep! But.....
The good news is that as of July 1, they will each have their own rooms!! HURRAY!! We are officially moving, though plans have changed so much. We do feel like we see God's hand leading us in this new direction. We will be renting from 2 great people who have a house w/ a shop. A nearly 3,000sq.ft. house, I might add. How in the world am I going to find time to clean it?? But Hubby will actually be home a bit more and we'll save on diesel, YEAH. And, I just received an application for renting our house out. I feel like everything is falling into place.
Okay, am I the ONLY person who wasn't on Facebook?? Seriously, I put my name on there and somehow I've got like 5 friends already (more than I have in real life, mind you). Apparently everyone I know is on there. Crap, most of the time it's all i can do to get my email daily! Someday I hope to do more than have my name on there...someday.