Somthin's got to give...
I tell you what. Something has to give around here!! There are not enough hours in the day. Not that there ever were, but it's gotten worse. Between trying to work enough consulting hours, trying to keep Hubby's business' bills paid and invoices sent out, jobs lined up and estimates completed, the little time that both Buddy and Little Miss sleep is just not enough. I guess that's why it's 10pm on a Friday night and I'm on the computer entering receipts and finishing up desk work. I already put in 18 hours consulting this week, and I should've done more, but there just wasn't enough extra time. I was going to go in tomorrow, but Hubby came home and informed me that he's working all day tomorrow again, so there goes that idea. When the kiddos are up, I don't want to (not to mention it's not physically possible) to do anything besides either play with them and/or keep them from destroying themselves and their surroundings. This is a full time job. :) So, I think I've decided that it's everything that has to do w/ my house and or my hobbies (no, I don't really have any.....) that are going by the way side. I'm considering hiring someone to clean my pig sty of a house. I can't handle it any more. And, I doubt that Hubby is going to jump in and mop the floors. :) Not that he has any time to do it either. I'm not complaining, I think I'm just realizing that I cannot do 3 hours worth of work in 1 hour. It just can't be done. Try as I may... Hmmmm...the other thing that's going by the side is exercise. I wish I could fit more in, in fact it's normally the highlight of the day for me, but well, it's ending up on the cutting room floor, so to speak. Due to the fact that I feel like it's a bit out of control over here, I depend WAY too much on my mom. Don't know what I'd do if she didn't live nearby. She pitches in and watches the kids when my "it will only be 3 hours at work" turns into 5, or when I have to wait for an hour in the waiting room at the doctor or lab for one kid or another. God bless her. :)
We went and looked at another house tonight. Of course, to Hubby it's the best house ever. They all are. We'll just have to see if this one works out. It's not my dream house...but then again, none of them ever are.
Okay, it's now after 10pm and I haven't showered yet and I've got to feed Little Miss in, oh, about 25 minutes, so I'd better get to it.