Thursday, November 09, 2006

Why, why, why

When I was little, my parents taught me a good lesson. If you don't have the money for something, you don't get to have it.

Simple lesson, really. Then why doesn't EVERYONE learn it?!?!

Okay, here's the deal, last week I found out that someone named Damon Butler stole my credit card number. Yep, that's right. If you're reading this, I hope you take a long walk off a short cliff. A high cliff, too. With lots of jagged rocks. Maybe with a fire breathing dragon at the bottom. Oh and some pointy sticks to land on. And... Okay, I'm getting side tracked. Anyhow, as it turns out, Mr. Damon Butler decided that he wanted to go on vacation. From San Fransisco to Atlanta, I'm told. But, unfortunatley for me, Mr. Butler could not afford said vacation.

So what did he do?

What every self respecting American would do.

He stole my money.

And those nice, non-English speaking people at Travelocity don't seem to care. Maybe in India where they come from people steel $1,300 of other people's money all the time. But, let me tell you, I am NOT OKAY WITH IT.

Damon Butler, get this through your thick scull. You don't have the money...You DON'T get to go. Bottom line. End of story.

So, now I'm left with stupid Bank of America "investigating" this report of a fradulent charge. So Damon is partying hardily in Atlanta, while I have to cancle my card, file numerous reports, talk to 20 people who don't speak English, and change everything that is direct billed to my card. I AM GETTING PUNISHED BECAUSE HE IS A MORON. What is wrong with this picture?!?!?! Ug. They had better get this straightened out...because I leave on Saturday for a vacation that I ACTUALLY PAID FOR. WITH MY OWN MONEY.

Imagaine that. My own money.

You know, if parents just taught their kids that they can't have everything...I think we'd all be better off.


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