Monday, March 31, 2008

Thing one, thing two

I know that everyone is different. Intellectually, I knew that having a second child would mean that they would be different than the first, but nothing can truly prepare you for how different they can be, even at a young age. Buddy was a great napper. Up until 12 months or so, he would give me two 2 hour naps every day like clock work (this is not to say that I didn't do anything to get him on a good schedule), but he was a great napper. At night, you could put him down in his bed and within minutes, he'd be sleeping. Now, this is not to say that he would (or will, for that matter) STAY sleeping. No, I can probably count on one hand the number of nights I've actually slept through. I've tried all the tricks, too. Now that he's 2.5, he not only wakes up at night, but doesn't see the need to go to bed in the first place. Little Miss, on the other hand, though naps were for sissies, at least naps longer than an hour or so. She's finally gotten into the groove and will give 2 or even a blessed 2.5 hours at nap time. However, GETTING to sleep is something like a circus. You put her down for a nap, or even for bed at night, and she spends at least a half hour climbing around her crib, dropping her dipes or pacifiers over the railing, hiding under her blanket, crawling around, singing to herself, basically entertaining herself until she can no longer resist sleep. But, once she's out, she's out. Like all the books say. Were she the only one in the house, I'd be getting a solide 11.5 hours every night, if I wanted. Alas, she is not the only one in the house!!

Personality is so different, too. Just a day or so ago, I told her "NO" when she was trying to put her finger in an outlet. The chain of event was: fat lip, huge tears, heart wrenching sobs, and then throwing herself face down on the floor to cry. Drama Queen, thy name is Little Miss. And it's not the first time she's thrown herself to the floor. Take a toy away and you'd think that you had amputated part of her body, the way she sobs...even if the only reason you removed the toy from her death grib was to put her arm through a sleeve in her shirt. Something tells me the teen years are going to be...a challenge, to say the least.

It's also facinating how I used the same methods of solid foods on both, but Little Miss is much pickier about what she allows into her mouth.

With two very strong willed children, you might think that Hubby and I are like minded. We are not...just ask our parents. ;) I think my mom said something to the effect of me deserving it...but that doesn't sound right to me. Just look at my photo album, I was an angel. Just ask me.

I had the most wonderful thing happen last week. I got to run, all by my lonesome. I forgot how much I love to run w/o having to push a stroller. It was glorious. For a half hour I can crank up some terrible music that I could never listen to w/ kids in the car (all I need is for Buddy to repeat some of that stuff in Nursery on Sunday...), to sound levels that as a partent I can no longer allow, and I can run and forget about everything else in life. I guess, some people drink or do drugs or smoke, but if I had my choice, I would excersize, all by myself. I used to walk every day when I got home from work, some people talk about their day, I walk or run to put it behind me. I very much miss having that hour to myself every day, but then again, I wouldn't trade it for all the questions about "what happened to that tree mommy". (well, maybe some days I would...)

Little Miss is already on her second bottle of meds from the dr in her short life time. Another way they are different! Buddy didn't even have a cold until he was over 9 months old. Poor Little Miss has gotten to know the rectal thermometer. Sorry, sweetie, it's the only way!! This time it was apparently a very severe cold, two top teeth coming in and an ear infection. She was the most pittiful little things for three days. Hubby called her "Dopey". She slept all except 5 hours during each day and then snuggled for those awake hours. I am so glad, though, that she is the 2nd, not the first. It's not nearly such a big deal when you're a pro at the nasal aspirator, can re-fill a humidifier in the dark and can give doses of Tylenol in your sleep.'s still sucks to have a sick baby you can't help. Thank goodness the Dr. takes good care of her. (Though I think the Dr. was worried about letting me take her home as I was trying to put Little Miss' diaper on backwards. I joked "you'd think I was new at this" and the Dr asked "well, how are YOU feeling?" Oh great, another call to CPS.) Just another wonderful parenting moment!!


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