Friday, November 09, 2007

Living in Limbo

It seems that everything is in limbo at our house right now. And let me say that, for the record, living in limbo sucks.

So, our house is still on the market. Our effort has been ramped up (insert sarcasm here). Basically, it's on the MLS and if someone calls us, we show it. But that means we're living in a house without anything personal, no family pictures, no books, no real extras. Sure, I could cut it down more, but then the kids would have nothing to play with. I'm not in a hurry to sell, I could live here for a long time, but I just wish it would be over one way or the other. I'm sick of throwing dirty dishes into the oven, throwing toys into the washing machine and anything laying around into a random drawer when someone wants to come see the place. I just want my own house back. I'm not sure WHAT we will do about Christmas. Probably put a tree up and that's it. I mean, it looks a tad cluttered and "personal" with our hope chest full of Christmas deocrations. So, anyhow, now we just hang out and wait.

Also, last night was the first night Buddy had to sleep w/o his "pipe" (pacifier). We (I say we, but it was Me, Hubby said he could care less if Buddy kept his pipes until kindergarten...) had him give us his pipes, throw them in the garbage and then he got two new Veggie Tales Movies. Ofcourse, Hubby was a weenie and stashed a back up pipe on the top shelf in Buddy's room. We can't give it back now, or we'll never be able to get rid of it. If we give it back just bc he cries, he'll just ALWAYS cry. Hubby's a I end up always playing "bad cop". So, we're in limbo land of "no pipe, but not over the pipe". Fun. Also, today Buddy decided that he was a big boy and it was time to use the potty. Where did that come from?? I've been asking for weeks and always get the "no, not today mom" answer from my 2 year old. But today, we went potty 6+ time w/ only two "oops" in his pull up. Again, where di that come from? it's like overnight he gave up the pipe and decided to no longer be my baby in any sense of the word. So I guess I'm committed at this point to finishing potty training. But again, in Limbo: "no diapers, but no trained".

In all of our looking for houses, I've decided that I have some deal breaker issues, they include:
- mater bathroom. I won't budge on this one, I decided
- attached garage
- living room & family/bonus room
- 4 bedrooms
- Sep. laundry room
- More than 1 bathroom (seriously, is that even an option???)
I've seen a lot of houses, but I will not move anywhere I don't get those things. It's just not worth my hundreds of thousands of dollars to have to share a bathroom w/ my kids, or haul them out of the car in the pouring down rain. It's just not. However, if it gets me out of living in limbo....
nope, still wont.


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