Friday, February 22, 2008

What ever happened to my memory?

Seriously. I think my short term memory decreased by 30% or more every time I had a baby. And, it's not like there aren't a million things to remember anymore. For instance, today, I tried to log onto the business' checking account. After verifying my account number, typing in the "what do you see in this box" text, I got to the questions. now, I know that once upon a time I set these questions up. I recognize them. I know the answers to them (except the, "what is your favorite cartoon character"....I have no idea!!), but son of a gun, I could not get them right. Then, of course I was "locked out" for not knowing my own stupid custom questions. I called the bank, they unlocked the account. I tried again, still the wrong combination of words!! Locked out. Call again, and said, You know what, just cancel the account and let me start over with new questions. then it asked for my internet password!!! Well, if I don't know the answer to my own questions, I highly doubt I know my internet password! Anyhow, I've started to print out the lists of all of these questions, I have a 4 page document w/ all of our log ons and passwords, bc no one requires the same thing. Some want a weird character like *()_&^ in my password. Others, won't allow it. Some need to be 4 letters long, some require capitals and lowercase, some between 8-12 numbers. Honestly, I can't even break into my accounts!! I really hope I don't die, because there is no way Hubby would be able to get money or pay bills!! I've told him where this hugely important document is, but...we'll I've got good money on him not remembering that. (and he doesn't even have the kid excuse!) So, if I had a decent memory, maybe I could remeber 150,000 different log in and pass word combinantions, but Lord knows, I'm trying hard enough to remember where Buddy put his shoes let alone how to get into my bank account. Now, I know all this security is for my protection, I can appreciate that, but I should atleast get some kind of a cheat's only fair. Like "what day last week did you get thrown up on" or something I can really remember.


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